how does it work?
This is an online School Calendar Creator project where images are uploaded and special dates can be added in our Calendar Creator. Both public holidays, Specific Term dates and INSET Days or even birthdays can be added easily in our Calendar Creator.
We have made this really easy for you! We have great range of design templates for you to drop in your images and add events. Write in your own calendar title and the job is done. Please note all other features of the design are fixed.
Calendars are an excellent fundraising idea for schools, Nurseries and Groups.
The calendar can be an Academic or Standard year calendar - you can choose when you set your calendar up.
To create a school calendar you can have a play as a guest but your project will not be saved unless you register.
When you register you will receive a welcome email confirming your login details for your account. Login to access any projects you are working on.
Once your calendar is finished you can preview a flick through version to check you are happy with the calendar.
Ordering for your School Calendars is made online. Place your orders using the 'ORDER' button on the Creator System. We will email you an invoice with instructions on how to pay.
Get Started: Choose you size here, then choose the design and have a play in our system >
Order one FREE calendar to help market your sales (no personal Calendars)*
On ordering your free calendar you will also be sent a link via email to a page turning view of your calendar. This link could be emailed to parents or put on a Facebook page or a school website. (please make sure you have appropriate permissions to publicly post this preview first)
Sell at a School Fair (Summer or christmas)
Set you price and how much you would like to raise in fundraising from each calendar.
We have an editable sample order form for collecting parents orders available to print off from our resources page.
In our resources we also have a print ready promotional poster for you to download and print.
*This is a website for school use. We will not print free calendars that are clearly for personal use.
can we help?
Our Help guide is a step by step guide to help you with in each stage. Download this below:
Download Our Help Guide

Take a look at our calendar ideas for some inspiration.
Tip: The more children represented in your calendar the more sales you are likely to make.
quality & formats
We are a professional printing company running the top of the range HP Indigo Press - there is no better digital machine out there!
We print full colour on a 150 gsm silk paper for front and inner pages. Calendars are professionally bound using white wire spiral binding and metal loop hangers.
Take a look at the different formats and designs on our calendar page and make a start...
image guidelines
Upload JPG images to our system. Lower quality images can be used in the passport sized boxes. As a guide we recommend a minimum of 1.5MB for any of the photo boxes larger than the passport size. Our system will help advise you if your image is not of a high enough resolution; You can check the size of your image by right clicking on an image and selecting properties from the list if you are not sure.
Your images can be: ARTWORK you have photographed or scanned, PHOTOGRAPHS you have taken or GRAPHIC images created on a computer.
Make sure that you have set your page to an A4 aspect ratio so that the image can be scaled into our photo boxes.
School/Class/Group Photographs
Creating your calendar with photographs couldn't be easier, you can organise your pages into classes, class groups, or in birthday groups. Possible themes include:
Birthday group photos
Team/club groups
Shots of class activities/trips/visitors
Fun - Dressing up photographs setting scenes for different times of the year
​Tip: Try not to overcrowd photographs with a huge number of children, well organised groups or a few children in the foreground and others in the background work best.
Artwork Theme Ideas
We have many options on photo layouts on your calendars and the image at the top of each page can easily be divided into a grid to represent a range of art work!
Possible themes:
Self portraits for the pupils who have birthdays in the particular month (similar idea to the tea towels)
Pictures of the seasons
Class artwork on a theme that is being studied
Scanned poems written by children and illustrated
You can scan or photograph the artwork yourself and uploaded it to our creator.
Or send your artwork in to us with the artwork for each month clearly labelled on the back with either the week/month you wish it to appear on and we can work with you to set up your calendar. Please phone the office if you wish us to assist with your images and calendar set up and we will assign a graphic designer to work with you.

delivery & timescales
Time scale for delivery is taken from the point the order has been completed.
January - September please allow up to 6 working days
October - December please allow up to 10 working days
November - We do not print calendars in November
We will always deliver to you in the quickest possible time - so if we are quiet you may see your calendars in a couple of days!
sales, Ordering
Place your orders using the 'ORDER' button on the Book Creator System. We will email you an invoice with instructions on how to pay once goods have been dispatched.
Should be sent on receipt of invoice. Please ensure you pay promptly so as not to delay your books. A range of payment methods will be outlined for you on your invoice including BACS and Credit Card, if you are paying by cheque please make these payable to 'Cauliflower Group LTD'.​